Privacy Policy

This privacy policy is applicable to all personal data involved in various services (hereinafter referred to as this service) provided by the website ( of Livenwell Health Spa (hereinafter referred to as the company) Collection, utilization and protection.

The company attaches great importance to the protection of personal data and privacy rights. The collection and use of members’ personal data are subject to the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region “Computer Processing Personal Data Protection Law” and the norms of this privacy policy.

The types of personal information collected by this website are as follows:

When you decide to register as a member of this website, this website will ask you to provide personal information, including but not limited to name, gender, title, contact address, email, contact number, company size, company industry, etc.

The server of this website will automatically record information such as the webpages that users read when they visit this website, webpage requests, date and time of sending requests, and browsers used.

When a user visits this website, this website will send one or more cookies (a small symbolic text file containing a string of characters) to the computer used by the user to identify the user’s browser. This cookie does not contain enough to identify The personal identity data of netizens is used to store user preferences and track user usage trends to provide you with more convenient and personalized services, and to analyze the status of users browsing this website through data to provide more Perfect service quality.

This website may cooperate with third-party websites to provide more services. For this purpose, the personal information provided by users to each website may be transmitted to this website, and this website will process such information in accordance with this privacy protection policy. In addition, the third-party websites linked through this website may also place cookies on the user’s computer to collect data or request personal information from the user; the protection of personal data does not apply to this Privacy Policy Policy, but the privacy protection policy of each website should be applied, and this website will not bear any joint and several liability for its data processing measures. The personal information posted on this website is only used for this website’s review, research analysis and statistical statistics. It is only for this website’s internal Reference, and as a basis for service effect evaluation, in order to maintain, protect and improve the services of this website, improve the system or develop new services.

Based on the aforementioned purposes, this website will share the disclosed personal data in the following ways:

When sharing any confidential personal information, this website will first seek the consent of the user. Provide the disclosed personal information to the company’s third-party affiliated companies or other trusted personnel to make them abide by this privacy policy according to the company’s instructions In accordance with the Computer Processing of Personal Data Protection Act, personal information is processed for this website.

Based on the requirements of laws and regulations, government agencies, courts, and investigative agencies, or to detect, block, or otherwise respond to users’ violations of the law or violations of the terms of service of this website; or, as permitted by law, to protect this website and Provide data sharing when necessary for the rights, property or safety of users or the general public. Share with third parties non-personal information or statistical analysis that does not involve the user’s personal identification. If the use of personal information on this website is consistent with this Privacy Policy Different from the above, this website will provide an effective method for you to choose whether to use your personal information for this website. Users can reset their browsers to refuse all cookies, or display notifications when cookies are sent, but this may cause this service to Some functions and services may not work properly.

This website will take appropriate security measures to prevent unauthorized access, tampering, disclosure or damage to data, so as to prevent unauthorized access to personal information disclosed above. In order to provide, develop or improve the services of this website, this website When company employees, affiliated companies, employees, trustees, assignees, agents, third parties and other related performance assistants use or access the disclosed personal data, the company will make the above-mentioned personnel abide by the confidentiality obligation.

In order to protect the privacy of users, the company has the right to modify this privacy policy at any time; if users have any questions about the privacy policy of this website or related matters related to personal data, please call us or use Contact Us

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