Beautiful Diary

Black eye circles are not necessarily black?!

Dark circles have different colors. If you want to eliminate dark circles, you must first understand the problems represented by different colors of dark circles before you can deal with them well.

There are different types of dark circles, and dark circles of different colors indicate the potential crisis of different diseases.

1. Cyan dark circles
Long-term excessive eye use can easily cause blood stasis in dark circles. The blood around the eyelids does not circulate, causing the veins and blood vessels around the eyes to stagnate, forming dark blue eye circles, or it is caused by high mental stress, long-term eye use and staying up late. Or people with nasal allergies are prone to blood stasis around the eyes, which is related to poor circulation, and the lungs need to be adjusted.

2. Dark circles under the eyes
The liver resuscitates the eyes. If you stay up late for a long time or are under high pressure, you will easily suffer from blood deficiency in the liver, deplete the kidney function, and cause dark circles under the eyes. Must be equipped with conditioning liver and kidney. 3. Brown dark circles
Brown-black eye circles are related to pigmentation problems. There are brown pigment spots on the skin surface around the eyes, resulting in dark circles. People with dark circles should be careful. Urinary tract infections, gynecological diseases, cardiovascular diseases, etc. can all cause the above situation.

3. Brown dark circles
Brown-black eye circles are related to pigmentation problems. There are brown pigment spots on the skin surface around the eyes, resulting in dark circles. People with dark circles should be careful. Urinary tract infections, gynecological diseases, cardiovascular diseases, etc. can all cause the above situation.

You need to know the types of eye bags!

To combat eye bags, you must first distinguish what type of eye bags you belong to! Meridian experts will treat you symptomatically.

1 puffy bags under the eyes
The most common occurrence in young people is puffy bags under the eyes. The cause lies in the weakening of subcutaneous microcirculation and blood circulation. It is characterized by thick and full eye bags, dark circles and puffy upper eyelids.

2 Loose bags under the eyes
The cause of loose eye bags is mainly due to the aging of the skin around the eyes, which weakens the tension and elasticity of the skin. The most obvious feature is that the eye skin is loose, which makes the clear eye contour gradually lose its shape.

3 fatty bags under the eyes
Fatty bags under the eyes do not necessarily have to be caused by obese people. As long as the fat accumulates in the eye skin, the aging and loosening of the eye skin will cause fat bags under the eyes. The characteristic of fat-type bags under the eyes is that the bags under the eyes are more loose and sinking than other types of bags under the eyes. The most obvious thing is that the accumulation of fat tissue can be clearly felt by touching it with hands.

Don’t treat eye bags as Lying silkworm!

South Korea blows the wind of “lying silkworm”, which makes everyone pay attention The word lying silkworm, lying silkworm is very sexy and makes people look more approachable, but bags under the eyes are a symbol of old age. Many people confuse lying silkworms with bags under the eyes, and even take it lightly. If they are not taken care of properly, the bags under the eyes will deepen.

The lying silkworm is oval, which is a symbol of youth. Distributed on the edge of the lower eyelashes, there is a strip-shaped protrusion of about 4 to 7 mm, which looks like a silkworm baby lying on the lower eyelid. People who have lying silkworms look like their eyes can smile, giving people a friendly feeling.

Bags under the eyes are a symbol of long-term fatigue or aging in the eyes. It is about 2.3cm swollen from the lower eyelid; it is a small mound formed by a large amount of fat accumulated in the subcutaneous tissue. Due to the long-term relaxation of the subcutaneous tissue supporting the fat A semicircular pouch, associated with aging and disrepair. Bags under the eyes give people the feeling of aging and haggard.

The simple way to distinguish lying silkworms from eye bags is that the lying silkworms will become more obvious when you laugh and stand up, but the eye bags will not change.

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